Electrical Muscle Stimulation can be a fantastic tool to assist you in feeling better. When applied to tissue, electric currents create thermal, physiological, and chemical responses. The currents also alter pain impulses.

Two channels of electrical stimulation create a third current that penetrates the affected tissues with little resistance. This stimulation will help control the pain and muscle contractions.

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There are many benefits of electrical stimulation. Many of our patients say that it helps reduce edema as well as the swelling caused by fluid in the body’s tissues.

We do try to focus on the root of the problem instead of covering it up with pills or meds, but this procedure is great for relieving spasm, inflammation and tightness allowing the affected area to feel relief.  We also carry AT-HOME UNITS so you can do this procedure at your leisure.

As always, if you have any questions regarding this procedure, contact us today at (724) 875-4040.